Play with me
Play music
Music soothes and
Music stirs
Stirs our hearts and
Stirs our minds
Mind the gap that
Minds create
Create a poem
Create a world
World enough
World unending
End of time
End this nonsense
Nonsense rhymes in
Nonsense verses
Verses sung and
Verses chorused
Chorus gathers
Chorus repeats
Repeat the words
Repeat the notes
Note the accents
Notes in scales
Scaled fishes
Scaling mountains
Mountains climbing
Mountainous peaks
Piquing our interest
Peek at the top
Top of the world
Top of the morning
Morning of gladness
Mourning in sadness
Sadness shared
Sadness changes
Changes mood
Changes key
Keys us in to the
Key to be happy
Happiness sought is
Happiness found
Found in music
Found in joy
Joy within and
Joyful laughter a
Laughing soul a
Laughing master a